Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Peridot for August Babies

Happy birthday to all of the August babies out there! August’s birthstone is peridot, the gemstone variety of olivine. Peridot gets its characteristic green hue from iron present in the rock.  It can, however, vary in colors ranging from white to black, although both are rare.

Ancient Egyptians began making periot beads as early as 1580 B.C. It was a symbol of the sun through the Middle Ages, and an Ancient Greek manuscript tells us that peridot was believed to confer royal dignity on its bearer.

Marbodius, an 11th century bishop from France, suggested that peridot should be strung on a strand of donkey tail hair and worn on the left arm to be protected from evil spirits. Gross! We won’t be taking fashion advice from Midieval bishops any time soon.

We think the striking color of peridot looks best worn simply, as on this diamond halo pendant. It also looks nice worn on a mutli-colored stone necklace. Regardless of how you choose to wear your peridot this month, it always adds eye-catching pop and brilliance.

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